Roman Numeral Converter | Roman numerals conversion

Roman Numeral Converter | Roman numerals conversion
In Roman Numerals, a number consists of the symbols (or letters/characters) C, D, I, L, M, V, X written in a specific order. We see Roman numerals everywhere – clocks, school classes, musical chords, historical dates, legal documents, astronomy, and even cricket team names. Based on the ancient Roman system, Roman numerals conversion are the symbols used in numerical notation. Check out the table below to see how they correlate.
In these numerals, letters are used together to represent numbers. An example of a roman numeral is XLVIII which is equivalent to 48 in numeric form. The Roman numerals use a combination of symbols, including the English alphabet. As an example, 5 in roman numeral is denoted by V. It may be used for anything, including Class I, Class II, Class X, etc.