Valour Alloys Inc. as one of the most competent pipe nipple suppliers, offers a wide range of pipe fittings nipple kinds to meet the demands of hardware clients. A pipe nipple A nipple manufacturer is a small pipe piece having equal male threading on both ends. It is commonly used to join two different pipes, fittings, or hoses.
A Pipe Nipple is a short piece of pipe with threads on both ends, used to connect two other fittings, valves, or pipes in a piping system. It is a versatile fitting, commonly employed in plumbing, gas lines, and industrial applications for fluid, gas, or other material transportation.
We make carbon steel, brass, aluminium, and stainless steel pipe nipples, among other materials. The use of pipe fittings allows tubing to be precisely positioned where it is required. Pipe nipples are also available with a variety of end finishes, including tapered thread, straight thread, roller cut, reamed and chamfered, square cut, and grooved.